The Kids Will Be All Right is written by Nest’s very own CEO and her daughter, Molly who together created a an amazing resource for parents and caregivers of teens. Filled with up-to-date, evidence-based information, insights, conversation starters and resources to help you navigate and untangle hot topics such as friendships and frenemies; bullying; cyber safety; drinking, vaping and risk-taking behaviour; self-esteem and body image; sexuality; consent and safe relationships; and pornography. It also delves into how to talk about topics such as equity, diversity & intersectionality, modern feminism, climate change, politics and more. An essential read!
Check out the download below for conversation starters related to the topics discussed in each of the chapters. The idea is that they can be cut out and put into a ‘box’. When you have the family together (over an evening meal for example) one or more of the questions is randomly selected from the box for the whānau to discuss. Try to make sure that everyone listens and is listened to – use a timer or some kind of ‘talking stick’ if you find it useful. This exercise can sometimes be met with a groan, but give it five minutes and they’re usually fully involved and actually enjoying themselves. It can provide opportunity to:
- – open debate and sound out ideas
- – let you know what your teen thinks on topical issues
- – helps them to articulate their opinions and respond to alternative views
- – improve listening skills and encourage tolerance of other people’s ideas