Our Values
We base all significant policies and procedures on human rights as set out by the United Nations declaration of human rights. This extends to everyone, our consumers, suppliers, contractors, employees, our communities and shareholders.
People Policy
Our commitment to human rights extends to all.
- We honour the Treaty of Waitangi.
- We listen to our clients and deliver what is designed to have a positive impact on health and wellbeing. We evaluate our work and respond to critique.
- We honour diversity, and support an environment where one and all are comfortable to be.
- We promote personal and professional development.
- We deliver accurate information and provide resources aiming for informed choice, supportive environments and empowerment.
- We believe in charity and assist/donate to important wellbeing initiatives and projects. We are currently supporting the Days for Girls charity supplying washable menstrual products and education in NZ and overseas where there is a need. We also support The Healing Through Arts and Action Trust whose aim it is to maximise people’s potential through the arts and sports.
- We aim to provide flexible employment within the community as we expand our services.
Environmental Policy
Nest is committed to reduce, reuse, and recycle, working towards a ‘zero waste’ New Zealand by 2040.
We have strict environmental policies in place and are dedicated to the environment and to preserving and looking after our planets natural resources.
We reduce waste, unnecessary packaging, and reduce our energy use wherever possible.
All office paper is reused where possible and then recycled.
We use recycled paper and card wherever possible and most of our packaging is biodegradable.
We endeavour to work with other companies and suppliers who have similar policy.
Within our programmes, through the lens of the World Health Organisation recognised Hauora approach, we integrate information and education about physical, psychological, spiritual, social and environmental health and wellbeing.
The underlying message is that health and wellness of self is inextricably linked to the health and wellness of the planet.
We care for all people
We are delighted to provide additional resources for, or refer to appropriate agencies, any person who requires additional assistance/supports.
Our school programmes are available in braille (with thanks to the NZ Blind Foundation) and have, on many occasions incorporated NZ Sign language.
Nest base all significant policies and procedures on human rights as set out by the United Nations declaration of human rights.
This includes the right of all persons, free of coercion, discrimination and violence to:
- the highest attainable standard of sexual health, including access to sexual and reproductive health care services;
• seek, receive and impart information related to sexuality;
• sexuality education;
• respect for bodily integrity;
• choose their partner;
• decide to be sexually active or not;
• consensual sexual relations;
• consensual marriage;
• decide whether or not, and when, to have children; and
• pursue a satisfying, safe and pleasurable sexual life.
The responsible exercise of human rights requires that all persons respect the rights of others.
World Health Organization Working Definitions http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/gender_rights/sexual_health/en/index.html
Company Philosophy
Our philosophy is one of respect for individuals’ journeys. We are committed to education and integrity and we will continue to be activists for positive change. We hold strict standards in regards to authenticity, choice, diversity, sustainability, the environment and health.
Education Inspiration Motivation Information