NZ Health Curriculum Links

Nest is a popular external provider of health, body image, media manners, respectful relationship, sexuality & menstrual education. Nest’s in-school education programmes were founded in 2010 and are dedicated to building resilient & informed young people. Our programmes are designed to introduce, build on and reinforce the positive messages they hear from their parents, caregivers, Whanau, teachers and community. Delivering more than 600 inspiring programmes & workshops throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand’s primary/intermediate & high schools annually, Nest impacts approximately 34,000 students and their Parents/Whanau each year. This number is growing constantly.

Sexuality education is a lifelong process. It provides students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to develop positive attitudes towards sexuality, to take care of their sexual health, and to enhance their interpersonal relationships, now and in the future.”– Ministry of Education, Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum

The media constantly exposes our children to images of sex, sexual behaviour and sexualisation. In addition, technology allows our children easy access to limitless information. Never before has it been more important for children to be provided with quality sexuality education.

‘Sexuality’ is an umbrella term, which covers much more than just ‘sex ed’. Sexuality education explores a raft of topics; ideally in several conversations over time, delivered age appropriately. It can include: naming body parts accurately, making friends, body autonomy & consent, understanding healthy respectful and safe relationships, knowing your circle of safety, feeling secure, puberty, biology, fertility, understanding & managing feelings, developing emotional intelligence, reproduction, intimacy, whole-body development, personal health decision-making, contraception, STIs, body image, media manners & safety online.

All Nest programmes have been sensitively developed, are evidence based and designed so that they respect the diverse values, beliefs and experiences of students and of their wider communities. The development of Nest programmes has been informed by key academics, research, organisations and educators in the field of sexuality health and education. Nest’s programmes are tailored to individual schools’ needs and requirements founded from their community consultation and ‘special character’, with an emphasis on ensuring the material is age-appropriate and culturally safe. The materials and resources utilised within our presentations are linked to the NZ Health Curriculum.
View our document outlining Nest programme links with the NZ Health Curriculum strands, implementation strategies & lesson plans: Nest NZ Curriculum Links for Positive Puberty / Plus©

In addition:

Nest Junior Programmes Overview Yr 1 – Yr 8

Nest Senior Programmes Overview Yr 9 – Yr 13 & Young Adults (including disability & additional needs programmes)

Confident Kiwis© Yr 1/2 & Yr 3/4 Content

Positive Puberty Plus© Yr 5/6 & Yr 7/8 Content

Structure of Day doc for Positive Puberty / Plus©

Positive Puberty (basic) & Cycle Smarter© combo Yr 4/5 Content

Confident Kiwis – Sensitive Subjects© Yr 5/6 & Yr 7/8 Content

Body Talk© Yr 5/6 & Yr 7/8 Content

The programmes are fully outlined at Nest’s Parents/Whanau/Caregivers Information Evenings.

Since the implementation of the Education Standards Act, 2001, it has been mandatory for all state and state-integrated schools to include age appropriate sexuality education for students in years 1 – 10. Sexuality education is a key area of learning in Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum.

These guidelines were updated in 2020 with some additional recommendations.

You can read more here:

Through quality and engaging sexuality education programmes, Nest Consulting encourages participants to develop the following concepts:

Well-being/hauora – 
Understanding how puberty and sexuality affects physical, emotional and social wellbeing and how to manage these changes constructively in order to improve their sense of self-worth

Health promotion – Developing personal skills and emotional intelligence that empower them to take action to improve their own well-being as they go through body and lifestyle changes towards adulthood.

Socio- ecological perspective – Identifying and reflecting on factors that influence people’s choices and behaviours and recognising the need for mutual care and shared responsibility between themselves and other people

Attitudes and values – 
Developing a positive and responsible attitude that includes valuing themselves and other people, being willing to reflect on their beliefs, acknowledging diverse viewpoints and caring for others

Nest’s programmes are a unique mix of EDUCATION . INSPIRATION . MOTIVATION . INFORMATION, offering young people strategies for solving problems, handling stress, building resilience and navigating relationships. By partnering with schools, youth & social workers (SWiS) and existing local resources & programmes, Nest Educators also directs students to any additional supports they might need.

In addition to our programmes, Nest have included on our website a range of  follow-on resources, weblinks and activities, suitable for Parents, Whanau and Teachers. They compliment our presentations and provide tools for those supporting our tamariki.

We regularly evaluate our programmes ensuring they are current, accurate and relevant to the student population.