
Used as a natural form of family planning; the Sympto-Thermal Method is a modern technique to avoid conception, scientifically proven to be at least 98% effective when taught by an Accredited Educator (as “safe” as the mini pill).

Recent research in Germany 2007 shows an effectiveness of 99.4%.

The Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) is not the Rhythm or Billings methods.

STM can be used by women at any stage of their reproductive life

  • Pre or post children
  • Post contraceptive pill or Depo Provera
  • Perimenopausal women
  • Breastfeeding women can also use the “LAM” and ‘Breastfeeding charting’ method taught which are also at least 98% effective.
  • Many women choose not to, or are unable to take the Pill for a variety of reasons and others want to be more in control of their health and environment: they are eating healthily, trying to keep fit and are careful about any medications they take. They care about the environment and are amongst a growing number of clients who have a genuine interest about what is happening to our world. They understand that what they do now can have an impact on their future; they are aware of the research about oestrogens in our waterways having an effect on the fertility of fish and, by inference, humans. They are keen to take responsibility for what they are doing to themselves, the environment and for the health and well being of their (future) children’.

    Women (couples) choose the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) as family planning prior to beginning their family, to space their families or once they have completed their families.

    A growing number of partners want to take an active role in sharing responsibility for contraception and are supportive of their partners not taking pills, potions or going through invasive techniques.

    Other clients can’t tolerate the Contraceptive Pill (OCP) or have been told it is inadvisable to take and do not wish to use condoms or a diaphragm long term so they make the choice to learn STM.

    STM is a modern technique, non-invasive, medically endorsed and scientifically proven to be at least 98% effective when taught by a qualified Educator (as ‘safe’ as the mini-pill).

    This course is suitable for those who want to:

    • Avoid pregnancy in a manner that fits within a personal desire for a natural lifestyle
    • Use a natural form of contraception due to their concern about the long-term effects of hormonal contraception
    • Contraindications to other methods of contraception
    • Medical advice to avoid other forms of contraception
    • A personal disinclination and/or religious obligation to use other methods
    • Ensure optimum quality and quantity of breast milk while breastfeeding **
    • Women near menopause who are entering into a sexual relationship after a time of celibacy
    • Contraception during the perimenopausal stage

    (** Breastfeeding Mothers

    Avoiding Pregnancy while Breastfeeding

    If the mother is fully breastfeeding, has had no bleeding or spotting after the baby is 8 weeks’ old and the baby is less than 6 months’ old then the LAM contraception method (approved by the World Health Organisation) can be taught. Mothers are taught this in an individual consultation and the Educator keeps in contact monthly to ensure that circumstances have not changed. It is very important that the method is taught by knowledgeable and experienced Educators and that mothers recognise the signs of returning fertility. NFNZ accredited Educators (as provided by Nest Consulting) have qualified from the only Accredited training programme in New Zealand for teaching the LAM method of contraception. Where the specific LAM criteria cannot be met, an alternative natural method of contraception is taught – Breastfeeding Charting.)