Usually you will find Nest’s staff assisting in the community and teaching in schools promoting awareness, understanding and empowerment around sexuality, health and wellbeing. This year they are also looking to assist further afield.
They are linking up with the awesome charity ‘Days for Girls’.
and are organising a trip to Cambodia in early July. Why?: To distribute recyclable menstrual packs, provide information and education about their care and use and facilitate puberty info lessons to the girls and women living in rural communities.
This project involves the entire community with individuals, Guides, Girls Brigade and other groups invited to contribute by either:
* sewing recyclable pads (patterns provided)
* holding a ‘sewathon’
* collecting donations
Nest Consulting’s senior Educator has completed the Days for Girls training to provide the education, practical skills and information crucial to each community in regards to hygiene, care of kits and understanding/de-stigmatising around menstruation.
Providing girls with such packs enables them to attend school more regularly and breaks a cycle of poverty. Not having sanitary supplies meant DAYS without school and Days of isolation. Girls use leaves, mattress stuffing, newspaper, corn husks, rocks, anything they can find…but still miss up to 2 months of education and opportunity every year. It turns out this issue is a surprising but instrumental key to social change for women all over the world.
Days for Girls info:
- Founded in 2008
- Minimal 4% overhead
- Days for Girls kits last 2-3 years
- Each kit gives girls 180 days over 3 years
- Presence on 6 continents
- Serving in 85+ countries
- Reached over 200,000 girls…and counting!